February 1st, 2019
Fox 5 San Diego recently reported: According to the AHA, coronary heart disease affects roughly 6.6 million women. Women also suffer strokes more often than men, with 55,000 more women than men having a stroke each year. As women, daughters, sisters, friends, heart disease impacts us all.
Knowing the Signs Can Save Your Life
“Awareness of heart disease in women and knowing the signs that aren’t always obvious is an important and life-saving message to communicate to the public,” said Dr. Michael Madani, the executive director of surgery at UCSD’s Cardiovascular Institute.
Protecting Yourself with Good Habits
We know what we’re supposed to do—but it’s up to us to start good habits and end the unhealthy ones. As the Heart Foundation says, “Heart disease is the #1 killer of women, yet it is 80% preventable by making healthy lifestyles choices such as not smoking, exercising and eating right.” The situation calls for everyone to be alert, which is why the American Heart Association designated the first Friday of February as “Go Red For Women Day.” (The Villager)
Healing After Heart Surgery
When we started this venture of making post-surgical bras, we were focused on breast-related surgeries. Then we got the comments…
“My mom had open heart surgery and she loves this bra!”
“Very comfortable. Has really helped me post open heart surgery.”
“Worked so well after open heart surgery – well worth the price – Highly recommended”
“Held breast up so incision does not hurt after open heart surgery.”
“Bought this for my future mother in-law after her open heart surgery and it has helped so much with easing her sternum pain.”
“Gave me much needed support following VATs surgery… well worth the $$”
…and it got us thinking about just how important it is for women to have the right bra after heart surgery. And it makes sense—when you have your sternum cracked or even less invasive surgeries, you’re not going to jump back in your favorite lacy bra. With this knowledge, we continue to listen to feedback to better serve this market, as we work to help women stay healthy to prevent disease and surgery!
Going red is about awareness, making changes and making a difference. And that’s why we support this effort—and we support you. Keep talking to us. We’re listening.